Graphic curtsey of the leader of the project, Sparky

This is the gear motor i built to use in the head
It is slow, but it has TONS of torque @1.5volts
it uses a old oven timer and a pager motor
All i had to really do is strip off all the junk,
drilla few holes, and super glue it all together.
A word of caution, be careful with glue and pager motors and gears

The base for the solar head
I will of course work on the astectics somemore

Top view

Bottom top view
the output sfaft wasnot solderable so i had to use a fuse clip

The microcore circuit
The ten commandments of BEAM?

The seperate 1381j se that will power a laser pointer.
doesent work now, forgot the pinout of a 1381
And i am going to put a LASER RADIATION WaRNING on the robot

Little too close on the close-up,
Show how i mounted the motor
it is a bent metal disk glued to the plastic and soldered to a fuse clip holding the pager motor

i got all the parts except for the resistors,(help sparky!)
i am hopefully going to start messing with the 2nv microcore(bicore)
tommorrow(1St).  instead of buying that pcb, i belive i am going to take a shot at makeing my own. i got the kit from rat shack, and all that is left is to design the circuit with that hard to use program from solarbotics(i know the links on the other page don't work, if you don't have their site bookmarked, shame on YOU!)

November 5

Sucess on the circuit!
It lives
No pictues, it is just a breadboard
the only problem is that the fled blinks continusily- meaning it never stops
i'l try to fix this soon

Stay tunned for more....